How Your Realistic Mini Sex Doll Brings You Happiness

 Over the years, the realistic Mini Sex Doll has indeed made considerable progress. Not long ago, both men and women had to use stuffed animals and inflatable toys with poor results. Now things have completely changed. You can now arrange the doll as you like. They can sit in a chair, stand up, bend over, and do whatever you like. Basically, if a person can move like that, so can your Mini Sex Doll.

All this is attributed to science. Let's take a closer look at how advancements in science and technology can bring you a good Dutch wife experience.

Realistic Mini Sex Doll's skeleton

Your Mini Sex Doll skeleton is actually a frame. It provides you with the structure of a real doll. Without it, the Mini Sex Doll would be very loose. The skeleton also allows you to pose as your Mini Sex Doll. It is full of movable and bendable parts, and its function is very similar to that of the human body.

In fact, we think they are better. Do you really know that a very perverted position can excite you? Your doll can stay in this position for several hours, and they will never feel pain or strain on their muscles.

The skeleton of your Mini Sex Doll is made of durable metal. Most people have owned their Mini Sex Dolls for many years and do not need to repair them. In addition to its excellent and durable structure, engineers have also worked hard on the design of various joints. These include knees, elbows, shoulders, wrists, hips and other parts of Mini Sex Dolls.

realistic female Mini Sex Doll blog

Take care of the moving parts of the life-size Mini Sex Doll

We have provided some important tips for caring for an external TPE Mini Sex Doll. Let us now dive into the best practices for maintaining the structure of Aiwa. Please don't make any mistakes. It is durable, but abuse will damage the skeleton of the Mini Sex Doll. In this case, repairs can be very expensive. Sometimes the damage is terrible, and it is easier to completely replace the Mini Sex Doll. Here are some rules to follow:

Don't force full-body Mini Sex Dolls to do difficult moves

If your doll is not twisted or bent in any particular direction, then this is not just for this purpose. Don't force it. Excessive weight and tension on joints can cause irreparable damage.

Move the custom Mini Sex Doll carefully

You may be surprised that your Mini Sex Doll really weighs. Well, it was deliberate. Your Mini Sex Doll is designed to look like a real person. This means that they have human skeletal structure and are heavy enough to create a realistic sexual experience.

If you need to move the Mini Sex Doll, please do so. Please be careful. A good rule is to move your Mini Sex Doll as if you are a living person. The elbow, neck, and ankle joints cannot be lifted. The same applies to your Mini Sex Doll.

Not repair

Sometimes, we will meet people who are trying to make a "structural repair" or modification to one of our Mini Sex Dolls. This is rarely a good idea. Yes, you may feel the screws and other parts under the skin of Aiwa, but it is best to ignore them. Please note that we cannot guarantee Mini Sex Dolls that have undergone door-to-door repairs.

Keep your Mini Sex Doll as expected

When not in use, please store the mini Mini Sex Doll carefully. Do not place it in a bent position between uses. This can cause warpage. If you need a long time between two uses, please consider adjusting the position of your Mini Sex Doll from time to time. This will prevent structural wear.

Final thoughts

Our Mini Sex Doll is really a modern miracle. Engineers and artists are working hard to create beautiful and practical Mini Sex Dolls. With a little care, your Mini Sex Doll mechanic will be able to work flawlessly in the next few years.



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